[ROM] Galaxy S II HD SHV-E120L ROM with working SMS (Евро стандарт болгох)
Нэлээд олон хүн асуугаад байсан тул хуулж орууллаа. Би өөрөө туршиж үзээгүй тул шууд Англи чигээр нь хуулж орууллаа. Хамгийн дээр байгаа холбоосоор ороод шинэ хувилбар гарсан эсэх бас бусад зүйлсийг нь уншаарай.
Disclaimer: Everything you flash and modify at your own risk.
At first: my recovery.
The only custom recovery i could find for E120L is from Tegrak.
Unfortunatelly it's too buggy and couldn't install any of my updates.
That's why i've made my own recovery. So, to install my ROM, you need to flash my recovery. It covers functionality of Tegrak's recovery.
- based on official UE11 (Android 4.0.3) recovery
- adbd starts as root
- local (independed from system's) busybox.
- independent from main system partition and boot image. So, you can still use my recovery if system partition is broken.
- verification of signature has been patched out. So, you can install any hand-made zip.
Unzip it and Flash TAR file in Odin as PDA part.
To enter recovery mode:
1) Turn phone OFF
2) Press VolUp + VolDown + Power buttons at the same time
3) Keep buttons pressed till "SAMSUNG" word disappear.
Here is my version of ROM for E120L.
- based on E120L UE11
- English (default) and Korean languages.
- deodexed/zipaligned
- rooted (SuperSU 0.89)
- adbd starts in root mode.
- busybox
- fast dormancy off
- SMS send/receive of any lenght (both ANSI and Unicode) should work (see descripion below)
- SMS application replaced to customized one from i9100.
- added + to button 0 in dialer
- removed video call unavailability notification icon from status bar
- boot/shutdown animations/sounds are taken from E120S (original were too boring)
There was no intention to clean ROM from Korean bloatware. The main purpose of my ROM is to make this phone working. When main functionality will start to work as in normal phone (especially SMS functions) then it's possible to clean it.
flash procedure:
1) Put this E120L_UE11_v5b_by_Sorg.zip to MicroSD
2) insert MicroSD to your E120L and boot into recovery (my recovery) mode.
3) choose "apply update from external storage" and choose E120L_UE11_v5b_by_Sorg.zip
4) go back to main recovery menu and then choose "wipe data/factory reset". Note: you HAVE to do this in order to make my ROM work correctly. It doesn't matter which ROM you've used before. Even after stock UE11 you have to wipe the data.
5) choose "reboot system now"
First boot will take some time. Be patient
About SMS: For me it works fine now. I can send any length of SMS with both ANSI and Unicode encodings. Also i can receive SMS with any length and with correct caller id.
Thats was the main purpose of creating this ROM.
But, some users reported they still cannot send SMS... Currently i have not much details to figure out where is the problem.
So, try my ROM and tell if SMS functions are working for you or not.
- cleaned from bloatware
- better fix for SMS. Now should work without problems with any 3rd party SMS app.
- GO Launcher Ex as a main launcher
- 15 configurable toggles (QuickPanel Settings)
- Circle Battery mod
- Extended Power Menu
- Some tweaks in Recent menu (long click on Home button)
- LGU Hidden menu doesn't require password
- MyPhoneNumber Utility
- Boot/Shutdown animations from SGS3
- some other fixes
This version is still based on UE11 ROM as a stable and well explored by me.
I don't have SHV-E120L anymore (traded it to SHV-E210K), so this is my last ROM for SHV-E120L.
- missed SMS didn't shown on lockscreen
- added correct AMSS and MDM parts to ROM to make sure modem version compatible with ROM version.
- first release.
If you cannot send SMS then it's because your SIM-card has no "my phone number".
Install attached MyPhoneNumber (v6.1 already includes it) utility and write your own number there (starting with +). Number will be saved to your SIM-card and SMS will start to work.
P.P.S.: Some users complain for bad GPS. In case you have this problem, you may download attached GPS fix. Install it through recovery.
Disclaimer: Everything you flash and modify at your own risk.
At first: my recovery.
The only custom recovery i could find for E120L is from Tegrak.
Unfortunatelly it's too buggy and couldn't install any of my updates.
That's why i've made my own recovery. So, to install my ROM, you need to flash my recovery. It covers functionality of Tegrak's recovery.
- based on official UE11 (Android 4.0.3) recovery
- adbd starts as root
- local (independed from system's) busybox.
- independent from main system partition and boot image. So, you can still use my recovery if system partition is broken.
- verification of signature has been patched out. So, you can install any hand-made zip.
Unzip it and Flash TAR file in Odin as PDA part.
To enter recovery mode:
1) Turn phone OFF
2) Press VolUp + VolDown + Power buttons at the same time
3) Keep buttons pressed till "SAMSUNG" word disappear.
Here is my version of ROM for E120L.
- based on E120L UE11
- English (default) and Korean languages.
- deodexed/zipaligned
- rooted (SuperSU 0.89)
- adbd starts in root mode.
- busybox
- fast dormancy off
- SMS send/receive of any lenght (both ANSI and Unicode) should work (see descripion below)
- SMS application replaced to customized one from i9100.
- added + to button 0 in dialer
- removed video call unavailability notification icon from status bar
- boot/shutdown animations/sounds are taken from E120S (original were too boring)
There was no intention to clean ROM from Korean bloatware. The main purpose of my ROM is to make this phone working. When main functionality will start to work as in normal phone (especially SMS functions) then it's possible to clean it.
flash procedure:
1) Put this E120L_UE11_v5b_by_Sorg.zip to MicroSD
2) insert MicroSD to your E120L and boot into recovery (my recovery) mode.
3) choose "apply update from external storage" and choose E120L_UE11_v5b_by_Sorg.zip
4) go back to main recovery menu and then choose "wipe data/factory reset". Note: you HAVE to do this in order to make my ROM work correctly. It doesn't matter which ROM you've used before. Even after stock UE11 you have to wipe the data.
5) choose "reboot system now"
First boot will take some time. Be patient

About SMS: For me it works fine now. I can send any length of SMS with both ANSI and Unicode encodings. Also i can receive SMS with any length and with correct caller id.
Thats was the main purpose of creating this ROM.
But, some users reported they still cannot send SMS... Currently i have not much details to figure out where is the problem.
So, try my ROM and tell if SMS functions are working for you or not.
- cleaned from bloatware
- better fix for SMS. Now should work without problems with any 3rd party SMS app.
- GO Launcher Ex as a main launcher
- 15 configurable toggles (QuickPanel Settings)
- Circle Battery mod
- Extended Power Menu
- Some tweaks in Recent menu (long click on Home button)
- LGU Hidden menu doesn't require password
- MyPhoneNumber Utility
- Boot/Shutdown animations from SGS3
- some other fixes
This version is still based on UE11 ROM as a stable and well explored by me.
I don't have SHV-E120L anymore (traded it to SHV-E210K), so this is my last ROM for SHV-E120L.
- missed SMS didn't shown on lockscreen
- added correct AMSS and MDM parts to ROM to make sure modem version compatible with ROM version.
- first release.
If you cannot send SMS then it's because your SIM-card has no "my phone number".
Install attached MyPhoneNumber (v6.1 already includes it) utility and write your own number there (starting with +). Number will be saved to your SIM-card and SMS will start to work.
P.P.S.: Some users complain for bad GPS. In case you have this problem, you may download attached GPS fix. Install it through recovery.
Сэтгэгдэл бичихСэтгэгдэл:
Та анх удаа энд сэтгэгдэл бичих гэж байгаа бол сэтгэгдэл бичихийн өмнө заавал энд дарж уншиж танилцана уу!
Манай блогт зочилж, сэтгэгдэл бичсэнд баярлалаа :-)
Ene iig oilgohgui bna mongolor tabchihlda busd ymnuudaach bas mongoloor tabjiigach

s3 gt i9300 imei n 004999010640000 bolchood baina
s3 imei iim bolchood baina imei changer olood tabiad ogooch ooroo haisan chine zaabal box geed nemelt tohooromj hereg bolood baihiin tiim yumgui naidbartai changer olood tabiad ogooch pls

сайн уу. юуны өмнө ажилын амжилт хүсэе.
энэнийг суулгах гэсэн чини яг яаж суулгах талаар анхны мэдэгдэхүүн ч бхгүй болхоор чадахгүйм бнөөө. чи видеө-гоор а-я хүртэл н заагаад өгч чадахгүй биз
энэнийг суулгах гэсэн чини яг яаж суулгах талаар анхны мэдэгдэхүүн ч бхгүй болхоор чадахгүйм бнөөө. чи видеө-гоор а-я хүртэл н заагаад өгч чадахгүй биз

s2 hd SHV E120S IINX baidaggvmv

samsung s3 SHW-M440S-г евро болгох программ байнуу?

@Wert мэдээлэл өгсөнд баярлалаа.

За юу ч гэсэн энэ мэдээг нэмж өгсөн админд баярлалаа.
Би өөрөө энэ утсыг барьдаг л даа энэ РОМ-г ч туршиж үзсэн forum.xda-developers.com дээр SVNRom v1.7 гэж байгаа 4.1.2 той. Миний хувьд энэ утсанд тохирсон хамгийн сайн РОМ шиг санагдсан шүү.Хэрвээ хүсвэл 4.4.2 КитКат РОМ ч байгаа туршаад үзээрэй асуух зүйл гарвал энэ сайтын админууд ч туслах болно гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.
Би өөрөө энэ утсыг барьдаг л даа энэ РОМ-г ч туршиж үзсэн forum.xda-developers.com дээр SVNRom v1.7 гэж байгаа 4.1.2 той. Миний хувьд энэ утсанд тохирсон хамгийн сайн РОМ шиг санагдсан шүү.Хэрвээ хүсвэл 4.4.2 КитКат РОМ ч байгаа туршаад үзээрэй асуух зүйл гарвал энэ сайтын админууд ч туслах болно гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.

SHV-E160K дээр киткат гараагүй юм шиг байна.

Galaxy S3 SHV-E210K-д евро 4.3 болгох вэ админаа

SHV-E160K Samsung Note Korea LTE -д яаж KitKat суулгах вэ?

ydaj orchuulaad tavichaj chadahgui bnuu

galaxy neo SHW-M220L rom taviad uguuch PLs PLS!!!!

m190s мэдэхгүй юм байна. Гүүглээс сайн хайгаад үз дээ. KIES дээр update нь алга уу? KIES-ээрээ update хийх гээд нэг үз дээ.
m190s мэдэхгүй юм байна. Гүүглээс сайн хайгаад үз дээ. KIES дээр update нь алга уу? KIES-ээрээ update хийх гээд нэг үз дээ.

hi samsung s2 ytsiig komputert holboj bolohgvi yum yaj oryylah be tyslaach